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Rassan Page 9

  “Rest, Harper. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She nodded and watched him exit the tent, then got up and pulled her pants and top on. The heat of the day was turning cool, and she knew from the previous night that she’d be chilly in the middle of the night. If not for having Rassan wrapped around her the previous night, she would have been miserable.

  She dug a second blanket out of her pack and spread it out over the sheet to offer them both a bit more warmth. She scooted over to her side of the bed and curled up on her side, watching the door waiting for him to return.

  When he did, he smiled at her and pulled pants and a shirt on. He turned their lantern down to the lowest setting and crawled into bed with her, gathering her against his chest, holding her close as she draped her arm over his waist and started massaging his lower back.

  She loved this. The end of the day like this, when she felt like they were the only two beings in existence, the tent feeling homey and secure and cozy with the low lantern light. Just them, with nothing else to do or think about. They were both exhausted, and they had to get an early start in the morning. And she knew that they were both horny, but for now, just being together like this was enough.

  More than enough, she amended.

  It was perfect.

  She kissed him softly, and he kissed her back in return, his lips brushing hers affectionately before she snuggled against his chest and promptly fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  The small transport station was crowded with families and couples waiting for transport to the seashore. Rassan looked over the crowd, grateful to see several children among them. He knew it wasn’t nearly as many as they needed, but these few healthy young Izoth were worth feeling grateful for. Harper was standing at his side, not touching him exactly, but close enough that he could feel her warmth. He wanted to bend down and claim her lips right then and there as they waited for the transport to arrive, but he didn’t want to draw any extra undue attention to her. He’d already noticed more than a few males looking at her. Some with undisguised interest in their gazes, which made him want to fire a laser cannon directly at their foreheads. Others, though watched her with more than a bit of dislike. Particularly two males standing not too far away, near the gate they would walk through once the transport reached its platform. He kept an eye on them, watching as they spoke in low voices to one another, shooting occasional glances in Harper’s direction. He shifted his body, putting himself even more between them and her. Their body language told him everything he needed to know: their posture was tense, their eyes darted all over the place, and their tails swished in agitation. He stared them down and they glanced away. She looked back at Harper to see her watching him.

  “What is it?” she asked softly, trying to look around him. He shifted his body keeping her behind him, and she looked up at him questioningly.

  “Just a couple of idiots. Don’t worry about it,” he said. She looked unsure, but nodded. At that moment, the transport arrived and the line started moving as people got on. He kept a hand at her lower back, shooting a warning glare at the two males as they drew near. Unfortunately, even in an evolved society like theirs, there were some who were just too stupid to live.

  “Should have left that thing floating out in space,” the first one said, glaring at Harper.

  “Who knows what kind of diseases it carries?” the second agreed.

  He glanced down at Harper to see that her jaw was tight, her face a little more pale than usual.

  “Though maybe the military’s having some fun with them before they chuck them back to where they came from, eh?” the first one asked, noting the tattoos on Rassan’s arms that indicated that he was high ranking among the military.

  “If you look at her again, you will be eating the rest of your meals intravenously. Am I clear?”

  Both males promptly looked away from her, their desperate attempt to look anywhere but at Harper almost too comical to handle, especially when combined with the quiet, calm tone in which Raassan had made the threat.

  She hid a laugh as Rassan ushered her onto the transport, finally erupting in a fit of giggles when he gestured to the two seats near the back of their car and she sat. He settled in beside her after stowing their bags in the large overhead compartment.

  Harper looked around. It was similar in many ways to the trains she’d taken on Earth a few times. But she knew this one would be much faster, the ride much smoother, after reading a bit about Izothian transportation when she and Rassan had been planning this trip. No individual compartments, though. They would be at the seashore in just over an hour, she estimated, based on the information on her portscreen. She was checking her messages, which she hadn’t bothered to do when they were in the desert. There was a message from Aavi checking in and asking about her progress, and one from Kat checking in and bitching about some Izoth soldier named Faraad. She snorted as Kat went on at length about what a dick he was.

  “Hey,” she asked Rassan, and he looked up from his own screen.


  “Do you know a soldier named Faraad?”

  He grunted. “Unfortunately.”

  “Oh.. is he a dick?”

  He thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Earthen slang is so odd. He is a good friend but yes, he’s a bit of a dick. Good soldier, though. Why?”

  “One of my crewmates is this close to wringing his neck,” she said, scanning the rest of the message.

  “Ah. Yes he sometimes has that effect on people.”

  She chuckled and put her port screen back in her bag, then rested her head against his shoulder as she watched the scenery blur outside the transport’s windows.

  Rassan sat contentedly beside Harper and it felt so good, so normal, for her to rest her head on his shoulder. If he had it his way, they’d stay this way forever, close, safe, content. But along with the message from Faraad had come his orders for when he returned. It was back to the warfront for him and his crew, which he expected, but for the first time in a very long time, he was irritated about having to go. He had five more sun cycles with Harper, and then he’d have to leave. When he went, he’d be gone for weeks, at the very least.

  And she’d go on with rebuilding her life. And he would have no place in it. How could he? He’d thought of when they got back, helping her settle in, making sure her lab, because there had already been an agreement that she’d have one, would be set up to her needs. But he’d be leaving almost as soon as they returned, so he couldn’t even do that much for her.

  He glanced down at her as she relaxed against him, tamping down the frustration and the stupid sense of loss he was feeling. They had three days at the seashore. A trip back. And then he would force himself to let her go. He knew there were males among his people that had more steady lives. She had no doubt she already had plenty of admirers. She would be fine.

  The thought of it made his gut twist and his jaw tense. The thought of anyone else ever touching her, tasting her, being held by her as they fell asleep at night…

  It hit him then, hard. He loved her. He wanted so much more than her body. He wanted everything.

  And he had no right to ask for any of it.

  She hadn’t said a single thing about the future either. He thought she likely cared for him, but whether she saw a future with him or not, he somewhat doubted. He’d taken her by surprise with his affection…

  He sighed. He should just ask her. This was stupid, to leave things unsaid, unasked.

  But he was strong enough to admit that he was somewhat afraid of the answer.

  He took a deep breath.

  “What is it?” she asked softly, tilting her head to look up at him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re in danger of looking like a trout again.”

  He smirked, and earned a soft chuckle in response. “Still rude…”

  “Say what’s on your mind, Rassan.”

  He looked into her eyes, and she slippe
d her hand into his, lightly squeezing as he closed his hand around hers.

  “What about after?” he said after a few moments.


  “After this trip is over. After we go back to our normal lives? Well. My normal life. You are still figuring out what your life will look like here.”

  She was quiet, and he became aware that he was forgetting to breathe. “I know you have duties and responsibilities when we return. And I know it’s unfair to expect anything more from you…” She paused, and he stopped breathing. “But I’ve never been as happy as I’ve been the last several days. And the idea of going back and just being friends, just passing you in the eating hall and not…” she shook her head. “I know you’re busy. I just don’t really want to let you go.”

  He looked at her, meeting her gaze and then squeezing her hand.

  “I am really busy. And I’m away a lot,” he said quietly. “It’s made relationships difficult.”

  “You’re a soldier. I assume you being away is a given,” she said, squeezing his hand.

  “But knowing that and living with it are two different things.”

  She studied him closely. “You’ve been hurt,” she said in a voice as soft as the breeze.

  “I’ve hurt others. Made commitments and failed to meet them.”

  “Did you ever lie about what your work entailed?” she demanded.


  “Then you did not fail. The other person expected things she or he never should have.”

  “It is not wrong to expect time and attention, and expect it regularly.”

  “It is also not wrong for you to expect understanding and support, Rassan.”

  He sat watching her in silence as she looked up at him. It couldn’t be that easy, could it? That she’d just accept him, and his life, for what they were and agree to work with him, to support one another?

  She giggled. “You look so confused.”

  “I’m wondering if you’re real, or a figment of my imagination,” he teased.

  She grinned up at him and primly crossed her legs. “Maybe when we get to the next campsite, I can prove how real I am.” And with that, she smiled and turned to the window again.

  It took everything in him not to grab her and kiss her senseless, right then and there.

  Later. He had a bit of a surprise for her, first.

  Chapter Eight

  When they arrived at the shore, Rassan knew that Harper expected that they’d find yet another good site to set up their tent and other equipment. Instead, when the transport dropped them off, he took her hand and led her through the small beachside town, along the beach, where she kept stopping to gape at the perfect cerulean water and white sand, and to a small house on a secluded section of beachfront. Like most Izothian structures, it was slightly rounded, no sharp corners, but a sinuous, relaxed look to the white structure. Home. He smiled to himself when it finally came into view.

  “Are you kidding? Actual beds?” she asked, jumping up and down and kissing his cheek.

  He looked down at her. “Actual bed. Singular. You don’t think I’m letting you sleep away from me, do you?” he asked.

  “I was certainly hoping not,” she murmured. He smiled and put in a code to unlock the front door, which slid open. He gestured for her to go in first, and when she did, he followed, greeted by the open, airy space, with its natural tile floor, white walls, and a large fireplace at the other end of the room. A bed flanked one wall, windows above it, and there was a small kitchen and dining area.

  “Is this yours?” she asked.

  “Yes. I rarely make it here, but I like to spend some time here during my leaves. It seemed perfect that we should stay here as you conduct your work along the shoreline. And I figured you would appreciate a break from tents.”

  She was looking around and peeked into a room to the side, letting out an excited cheer. “An actual shower!”

  Rassan laughed behind her, and before he could say another word, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the washroom with her, hands working at the buttons of his shirt.


  “This shower is big enough for two, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Oh, I’d say so.” He started helping her with her clothing, and moments later they were both naked and standing beneath what felt more like a small waterfall than a showerhead. She sighed happily, and he closed his eyes feeling the past few days of grittiness and dust and soreness seem to melt from his body.

  He opened his eyes and stood there, watching her, his large hands slowly massaging her hips as they stood together under the water, and he was fairly sure he could just stay there for the rest of his days.

  She was perfect.

  He’d decided. There had never been a more perfect, more beautiful, more sensuous, more intelligent female in the history of his world or any other.

  Rassan watched as warm water sluiced down her generous curves, over her full breasts, her stomach, her hips. But even more beautiful than her body were her eyes. The shade of green he’d first found somewhat unsettling and now was one of his favorite colors. The affection and desire in her eyes as she pressed close to him were impossible to miss, and it left him nearly breathless, on the verge of trembling for the tiny Earthen as she ran her soft hands up his stomach and along his sides, fingers delicately tracing the tattoos along his forearms and biceps.

  He bent down and kissed her forehead, and she looked up at him again and smiled, then softly brushed her lips over his.

  “Do you know something?” she asked softly.

  “Tell me,” he murmured, kissing her forehead again.

  “I’m fairly certain I’m in love with you,” she answered, looking up, into his eyes, and he could see how nervous the words made her. She’d braved being vulnerable, for him.

  The very least he could do was brave his own insecurities for her.

  “I am completely certain that I am in love with you, Harper,” he answered. He was immediately rewarded with a smile that was so beautiful it hurt, and then her lips on his, her body pressed against him, her arms wrapped lovingly around his body.

  Tenderness soon melded with desire. They’d gone without each other in the desert, and he knew that, for himself, her constant nearness had him aching, desperate to feel and taste every inch of her. He broke, breathlessly, from their kiss, gently pushing her against the stone wall of the shower and kneeling in front of her, keeping his eyes on hers as he lifted one shapely thigh over his shoulder.

  “Rassan…” she whimpered. He smiled up at her and then took one long, slow taste of her, groaning as the now-familiar honey hit his tongue.

  “Please…” she panted, and he obliged happily, licking and teasing her with his tongue, feeling her grow hot and wet and pulsing, listening to the sweet music of her cries of pleasure echoing off the shower walls. It didn’t take long for her cries to turn desperate, and she gripped his hair, the light pain of her tugging letting him know she was close.

  The sound… gods, the sound she made as she released for him, as her body shuddered and trembled in pleasure as he licked and sucked and teased her through her orgasm. There was no better sound in the galaxy. When she slumped in exhaustion, he stood and braced her against the wall, kissing her deeply, letting her taste herself on his tongue and lips.

  “Harper,” he murmured in between kisses. “I need you.”

  “Yes,” she sighed against his mouth, and without wasting another moment, he turned the water off and picked her up, carrying her into the bedroom, where he quickly dried both of them off before picking her up again and settling her in bed, looking at her, feeling mesmerized, like a young, untried male with his ultimate desire before him.

  She lay on the plush, cool bed, looking up at Rassan, taking in every inch… yes, EVERY inch, of his perfect, powerful physique. She’d imagined a lot about what he looked like fully naked and all she knew now was that she hadn’t let her imagination run wild quite enough. Rassan was…
large. And slightly ridged, which was definitely a new one on her and she could only imagine what it would feel like, very soon, to have him caressing her insides. The knowledge of what she had in store for her had her heart racing, her body warming as she waited for him.

  He was amazing.

  She was still weak-kneed from the orgasm he’d given her in the shower, and now, he was looking at her with unmistakable heat in his eyes.

  He moved onto the bed, leaning over her as he kissed her lips, her neck, her collarbone, then back up to her jawline. He murmured her name against her skin as he kissed his way down her chest then pressed soft, warm kisses to her breasts, taking his time, as if it was his sole duty to kiss every bit of her he could. And when his mouth closed over a nipple, she arched off of the bed, gasping, and was rewarded with a low chuckle against her skin. He paid just as much attention to her other breast, and then set out nuzzling and licking and kissing and nibbling his way along her stomach and hips, his hands rubbing up and down her thighs. By the time he knelt between her knees and slowly pressed her thighs open, she was little more than an oversensitized, trembling puddle of need.

  “I need you,” she murmured, leaning up to kiss him. He kissed her back, making love to her mouth as he slowly pushed inside her.

  Oh, gods above and below…

  He was so careful. So slow and tender and sweet as he pressed himself inside her, each soft ridge of skin on the underside of his cock sending another shockwave of pleasure through her as he slowly delved into her. He kissed her, held her close until he was fully seated inside her body, and her entire existence was centered on the delicious, perfect ache of feeling her body stretched and filled so completely.

  He was panting against her lips, then released the kiss, pressing his forehead against hers as her body slowly adjusted to his.

  “Okay, love?” he asked quietly, and her heart melted completely. She could feel, very clearly, how on edge he was, and his foremost concern was her.

  She’d been with lovers so much less considerate. She’d almost married one of them.